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Clinical Skin Treatment

Laser Hair Reduction

Performed By Paramedical Skin Therapist

Laser hair removal is a method of permanent hair removal which destroys hairs in the active or anagen stage of growth. A reduction in the number of hairs can be seen after each treatment.


​How it works: The laser penetrates the top layer of skin with a single wavelength of light (as opposed to multiple wavelengths used in Intense Pulse Light IPL treatments), targeting melanin which is the brown coloured pigment contained in the hair follicle.

This process destroys the cells responsible for growing a new hair which reside in the base of the hair follicle. The specific wave length of light (755nm) enhances the accuracy of the laser hair removal treatment and gives far superior results.​

What technology do you use for laser hair removal?

HUR Medical Cosmetics has the latest technology in hair removal. Using a Medical Grade Polylase Alexandrite 755nm Laser- straight from USA. The Polylase Alexandrite is able to be fully customised to your individual hair and skin type, allowing for us to effectively remove your hair in less time than ever before. The Polylase 755nm Alexandrite hair removal laser uses a special cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin during, and after, laser exposure. This is why the treatment is regarded as a lot less painful than other laser hair removal treatments.


To experience the luxury of silky smooth and ready for anything skin all year round, book a COMPLIMENTARY consultation with one of our experienced and licenced therapists today.
And say goodbye to:

  • Shaving rash

  • No more ingrown hairs


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